
Hi I’m Matt. I recently undertook my placement from Deakin University with Fitness Success which led to the opportunity of joining the team. This has been a big achievement and a step in the right direction for my career.

Up until I was 20, I was always the skinny lanky guy in my social groups which never stopped me from playing nearly every sport I could get my hands on. My size definitely had its ups and downs, but ever since joining my first gym and gaining 20kg, my confidence, self-esteem and general mindset has improved significantly. This led to me to fall in love with surfing, skiing, and mountain bike riding. Everything I’ve experienced has played a role in choosing this career path as I’ve personally experienced the positive outcomes exercise and training can have on someone and I believe everyone deserves that. I’m the most competitive person I know, so any chance of going head-to-head with someone, I’m in. I’m a massive video game nerd. I love watching the NBA, AFL, and random documentaries that I’ll be able to quote once in my life.